Board Committees

Chairperson:  Herman Engel
Administrative Liaisons: Scott DeShong, Ed.D. & Niki Harvey, Ed.D.

The Education committee meets the 1st Tuesday, monthly except for June, July, August and December. The purpose of this committee is to provide regular and routine updates on topics such as curriculum, technology, communications, co-curricular activities and policies that impact teaching and learning.

Chairperson:  Mike Woodin
Administrative Liaison: Daniel Carsley

The Operations committee meets the 1st Tuesday, monthly except for June, July, August and December. The purpose of this committee is to review operational work of the district and its impact on the budget. Topics included will be finance, facilities and policies regarding operational activities.

Chairperson: Bonnie Wolff
Administrative Liaisons: Niki Harvey, Ed.D., & Wendi Lee Clark, Ed.D.

The personnel committee meets as needed and is called as an executive session.

Committee of the Whole
Chairperson: Dorothy Linn
Administrative Liaison: Niki Harvey, Ed.D., & Scott DeShong, Ed.D. 

The Committee of the Whole meets the 2nd Tuesday, monthly except for June, July, August and December. The Committee of the Whole is a representative body of the entire board. The purpose of the Committee of the Whole is to focus on specific strategic initiatives outlined in the District’s Strategic Plan.

Committee of the Whole-Budget
Chairperson: Dorothy Linn
Administrative Liaisons: Niki Harvey, Ed.D., & Mr. Daniel Carsley

The Committee of the Whole-Budget meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday during the months of January through May. The purpose of the Committee is to function as workshops for budget planning and development.