Curriculum Review Cycle



# of years


Curricular Areas

Stage 1: Assess, Research and Development


This stage focuses on curriculum development and capacity building by taking a closer look at curricular programs and resources determined to have the potential to support the written curriculum for implementation. Specifically, this stage involves the following:

  • Professional learning for Curriculum Leads 
  • Deeper exploration of and capacity building with potential resources (Textbook Adoption Evaluation Tool)
  • Establishment of continuum (vertical articulation) 
  • Curriculum Writing (Year at a Glance, Pacing Guide, UbD Stage 1 documents, and draft UbD Stage 2 documents)
  • Selection of resources and Board approval as needed (fall)
  • Budget development for new resources and materials (spring)
  • Creation of an inventory of any new resources and materials


Business & Computer Science

Stage 2: Continued Development & Field Study


This phase focuses on formally integrating the selected program or resource along with the new curriculum into the targeted grades and/or content areas. Specifically, this stage involves the following:

  • Professional learning for all teachers
  • Implementation of resources for all teachers
  • Studying the implementation in PLCs
  • Continuation of Curriculum Writing within PLCs (Pacing Guide, UbD Stage 2 documents, and UbD Stage 3 documents)

Language Immersion


Social Studies


World Language

Stage 3: Initial Implementation & Professional Development


This stage spans two years and focuses on formally implementing all stages of the UbD process and the selected program or resource with fidelity. Data analysis, planning, and reflection occur in a continuous cycle and create opportunities for teachers to engage in professional learning, as needed. Changes and revisions may occur when deemed necessary and appropriate. Specifically, this stage involves the following:

  • Ongoing professional learning
  • Monitoring of progress within PLCs
  • Monitoring of progress in classrooms to ensure a guaranteed and viable curriculum 

Stage 3 (Year 1) 

Technology & Engineering


Stage 3 (Year 2) 

Family Consumer Science


Stage 4: Full Implementation


Curriculum monitoring instruments are used to gauge the ongoing effectiveness of the fully guaranteed and viable curriculum. A needs assessment will be completed by all members of the grade level or content area team to evaluate the effectiveness of the current curriculum. This needs assessment will be completed at the end of Stage 4 to begin the evaluation process that will continue in Stage 5. Specifically, this stage involves the following:

  • Analysis of summative student performance data
  • Generation/revision of an inventory of resources and materials
  • Completion of AGSD Curriculum Needs Assessment Survey and other evaluation tools as necessary

English Language Arts

English Language Development

Health & PE

Stage 5: Evaluation & Monitoring


Curriculum Leads are identified from within the grade level or content area team in order to facilitate the process. In addition, a feedback form is provided to caregivers and high school learners for their input. Information from the teacher needs assessment and other feedback forms are compiled and analyzed. A Curriculum Overview is created with input from all members of the grade level or content area team. Researching resources and materials and conducting site visits may occur during this phase. Specifically, this phase involves the following:

  • Identification of teachers to serve as Curriculum Leads
  • Development of a Curriculum Overview.
  • Creation/revision of an inventory of resources and materials
  • Research of potential curriculum resources


