K-12 Teaching and Learning
“The purpose of the Avon Grove School District is to foster a learning environment for all students to be exceptionally well-prepared to succeed and lead full and meaningful lives.” AGSD Mission Statement
The Avon Grove School District Office of Teaching and Learning directly supports the Mission of the school district through the development and implementation of a rigorous curriculum, professional supports and learning for teachers and staff, and the organization of a comprehensive assessment plan that provides a full picture of each student’s strengths and needs.
The curriculum in the Avon Grove School District is directly aligned to the appropriate state or national standards for each course and organized around the Big Ideas students will take with them to each subsequent course in their educational career. The development and revision of curricular documents and expectations follows a multi-year cycle so that all curricular areas regularly monitor and adjust to the expectations for teaching and learning in the 21st century.
Professional learning in the Avon Grove School District is an ongoing process through which teachers, administrators and staff members work together to enhance practices that align with the Avon Grove School District Mission. Professional learning occurs through a variety of venues and formats, including online, blended, and direct sessions to support the unique needs of each adult. Professional learning also helps each employee maintain requirements as required through the Pennsylvania Department of Education for certification or state-mandated programs, such as new teacher induction for all professionals hired into AGSD.
Students in the Avon Grove School District participate in a comprehensive assessment program that provides important information to teachers, students, and parents regarding the progress of all students toward their learning goals and targets. Combining local assessments, state assessments (PSSA, Keystone, WIDA, etc.), and national assessments (AP, PSSA, SAT, Exact Path, etc.), teachers and administrators work together to analyze student performance and develop action steps to help all students reach their potential.
If you have any specific questions, please contact: Assistant Superintendent Dr. Nicole Harvey.