




Acting Superintendent
Dr. Nicole Harvey
It is a pleasure to welcome you to the Avon Grove School District’s new website! Improved communication is one of our district-wide goals, and a more user-friendly website is a big part of that...More

Assistant Superintendent, Elementary Education
Dr. Nicole Harvey 
The Office of the Assistant Superintendent shall be responsible for providing professional leadership in the development, organization, administration, supervision and evaluation in the areas of Teaching, Learning and Assessment...More

Assistant Superintendent, Secondary Education
Dr. Scott DeShong
The Office of the Assistant Superintendent shall be responsible for providing professional leadership in the development, organization, administration, supervision and evaluation in the areas of Teaching, Learning and Assessment...More

Director of Business Administration / Chief Financial Officer
Mr. Daniel Carsley
The Business Office is responsible for key functions that are critical to the day-to-day operations of the District. We strive to provide the highest level of service to both our internal and external customers...More

Director of Personnel
Dr. Wendi Lee Clark
Whether you are interested in joining Avon Grove, newly hired, or thinking about retirement, we are here to help you. Here are some of the services we can provide to you...More

Director of Innovation & Technology
Dr. Jason Kotch
The mission of the technology department is to provide leadership and service in support of teaching and learning. The technology department contains two teams: Educational Technology (EdTech) and Information Technology (IT)...More

Director of Pupil Services
Mr. Sean Burns
The goal of the Avon Grove Department of Pupil Services is to prepare our students for the road ahead, wherever it may lead...More

Director of School Safety and Security
Ms. Chrissy Simpkins
The Director of Safety and Security performs supervisory and administrative tasks in developing, implementing, and managing programs designed to effectively address security and school safety needs...More

Director of Food Services
Ms. Elizabeth Julian
Food Service provides all students with the fuel their minds and bodies need in order to learn by preparing and serving nutritious meals in accordance with the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs...More

Supervisors of Special Education
Dr. Michael Ubbens
Ms. Nicole Salvi

As educational leaders, it is our responsibility to help prepare students for the world outside of Avon Grove School District, not only academically, but emotionally as well...More

Supervisors of K-12 Teaching and Learning
Dr. Michael Berardi
Ms. Emlyn Frangiosa
Ms. Patti Schmaltz
The Office of Teaching and Learning is responsible for the coordination of curriculum, instruction, assessment, and professional learning. The goal is to provide a coherent student experience from the time our learners enter through the time they graduate so that they become well prepared to create their own futures...More

Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds
Mr. Dennis Pagan
The Buildings and Grounds Department, in conjunction with the CCIU, is responsible for the maintenance of all District owned land, buildings, and equipment. Our goal is to provide safe, clean, healthy, and energy efficient facilities for all students, staff, and the community...More

Communications Coordinator
Ms. Theresa Marsden
The Communications and Community Relations Coordinator is responsible for effectively communicating District initiatives, sharing student successes and keeping the community engaged. Our goals are to provide communications training and support to administrators through professional development, to develop and implement plans and opportunities to engage all stakeholders and community members, and to ensure that the district's goals and brand values are infused into regular communications...More