About Us
Avon Grove School District
Avon Grove School District (AGSD) is a K-12 public school system that serves approximately 5,000 students in four schools: Penn London Elementary School (K-1); Avon Grove Intermediate School (2-5); Avon Grove Middle School (6-8); and Avon Grove High School (9-12).
The District is located in a rural-suburban setting, 34 miles southwest of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and 18 miles northwest of Wilmington, Delaware. AGSD covers 67 square miles and consists of five townships and two boroughs; they include New London Township (1714), London Grove Township (1723), London Britain Township (1725), Penn Township (created from Londonderry Township in 1817), Franklin Township (1852), Avondale Borough (1894) and West Grove Borough (1893), which were created and organized in that order. Due to the closeness of the two boroughs (less than three miles in distance from each other), it was natural that the area became known as Avon Grove.
Student Demographics: 67% Caucasian/White; 27% Hispanic; 2% African American/Black; 2% Asian; 2% Multi-Racial; and less than 1% American Indian and Pacific Islander.
Data as of July 1, 2024.
2023-2024 Annual Report
Avon Grove School District's Annual Report to the Community provides a snapshot of the 2023-2024 academic year and includes information about our District's major strategic initiatives. This report was published and mailed to all residents of AGSD in January 2025. Download and print a copy of the Annual Report by clicking on the image above.
Future Ready Index
The Future Ready PA Index (FRI) is a collection of school progress measures related to school and student success. The Index includes a range of assessment, on-track, and readiness indicators to more accurately report student learning, growth, and success in the classroom and beyond.
PA's Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Report Card is designed to provide education leaders and all stakeholders with additional data on student outcomes and equity considerations.
ESSA requires that each state track data and hold schools and LEAs accountable for the performance of the following student groups: economically disadvantaged students, children with disabilities, English learners, and students from major racial and ethnic groups (Asian, Black, Hispanic, Multi-Racial, NA or AK Native, Native HI or Other Pacific Islander, and White). You can view the FRI for each school in the Avon Grove School District by using the links below: