General FAQs

How do I change my address?

The address change form is located in Frontline Central Forms.  You will complete the form for the building where you work.  Completed forms will automatically be submitted to Karen Ambrose who will make the change on your District information as well as your benefits (including PSERS).  

I've lost my ID badge?

Please contact Karen Ambrose to obtain a new badge.  

How do I change my name with the district?

Please complete the name change form on Frontline Central Forms.    Your name will then be changed in the personnel system, insurance systems and PSERS.  The technology department will notify you when your email will be changed.  If you are a certificated employee, please change your name with the PDE through the TIMS system.

How do I request course approval/tuition reimbursement?

Please complete a course pre-approval form in Frontline Central.  Attach the appropriate documentation including course description, proof of live instructor, cost and dates of courses.  All information will be submitted to Karen Ambrose who will process your request.  

How do I apply for salary movement?

Please complete the salary request form in Frontline Central.  You will also need to send an original (unopened) transcripts to Karen Ambrose in Personnel. Electronic transcripts should be sent to  Your request will be reviewed, and once it is approved, you will receive a confirmation email.  Requests must be received in the Personnel Office by December 31 to be approved for the current year and classes must be completed by the first student day of that year.

How can I find information on converting my Level I certificate to Level II?

The Pennsylvania Department of Education has helpful information posted on their website.  Please review it.  If you have questions after reviewing the information, contact Dr. Clark.

Where can I find my Act 48 balance?

You can access your Act 48 balance by clicking here.

How can I obtain a copy of my certification?

You can print out a copy of your certificate by clicking here.

How do I change my name on my certification?

Here are the directions.